When it’s time to get funding for any special purpose you have as a self-employed person or the owner of a small business, you might want to get in touch with a lender who offers “low doc” plans. This term simply indicates that you can often get the money you need, rather quickly, without having to provide a stack of papers over a period of weeks (or months) to make it happen.
It’s a simple loan type that will work for people who have steady income and suitable assets, but generally cannot submit tax returns and financial statements required by secured loans from traditional lenders. You may be able to get the money you need by stating the business-derived income. You will probably be asked to submit a letter from your accounting professional, along with a bank statement that indicates the income provided by your business. The goal is to get you the funds that you need with a minimum amount of documentation, in the shortest period of time.
You’re urged to get started today by contacting a provider of low doc business loans, a company that specialises in working with the self-employed individual who needs a loan for personal or investment purposes. You may be able to secure a low doc loan, for example, that provides as much as 85% of property value. You will usually be able to use supporting documents you already have, a flexibility you won’t get with many lenders.
If you want to talk to these same professionals about an unsecured business loan, you can get started by visiting the website to read about the many options available. This type of loan gives you faster access to funds, with none of those usual requirements for security. You will also have more flexibility in repayment, as there are a few lenders who will work closely with you to establish a plan to fit your budget.
When you visit the website, consider using the easy, online application process, which can give you pre-approval in as little as five minutes. But, be sure to gather the information that you need about the complete range of loan types, including five-minute pre-approval for up to $300,000. Owners of a new business might want to look closely at the flexible plans that give you the money you need, without waiting for weeks or months like you would with a traditional bank.
More Examples
To cite just a few more great examples of the loan plans offered by trusted online lenders, give some thought to a loan that’s ideal for cafes, restaurants, retail shops, and people in the trades or the service industry. If you can show a stable turnover of $6,000 per month for six months, you probably have the standing to get the funds you need. You will benefit from reasonable interest rates and a payment plan to fit your situation.
You don’t have to wait for months and stress out about giving the bank every shred of paper in your house or business. Call and talk to lending specialists who have the goal of getting you the most money based on the fewest documents. They’ll consider assets and business activities, in a perfect mix to get you approved for the loan.